Bulk SMS – send your Bulk message at cheapest rate & Instant delivery now

Bulk SMS has to do with sending message to multiple Recipients at once. In this post, you will learn how to send bulk SMS from your smart phone acorss to many people.

Have you been asking how to send bulk SMS on your phone, or can you send bulk SMS, or how to send bulk SMS from MTN, Glo, Airtel or 9mobile, perhaps you have been asking how you can send bulk SMS from the internet; and how to send bulk sms this festive season; then, this post is for you. Find all your answers here. Jumiabot is the best App/Website to send all your Bulk SMS.

Follow these simple easy steps to send Bulk SMS from your smart phone:

  • Register on Jumiabot – https://jumiabot.com
  • Fund your Wallet
  • Select Send Bulk SMS and follow the prompt

On the bulk SMS page, fill details for Sender Name, Recipients Phone number (You can paste up to 10,000 numbers at once), then type your Message and send.

Bulk SMS – These are the major benefits of using bulk SMS:

  • It is easy and faster to use
  • It is less cost than other networks
  • It reduces stress
  • It delivers your message Instantly
  • It will showcase your brand name as Sender instead of phone number, thus promoting your brand.

You may ask that when can you send Bulk SMS: here are some of the seasons to send Bulk SMS: During festive season, you can send bulk SMS during Festive Season, send customized bulk SMS to your Customers, Friends and Family. Also, send notice of Meetings, records and even send wishes to anyone. Bulk SMS is very easy and it will build your brand name because instead of showing your phone number, it will show your Name as the Sender.

Who are the people that can use bulk SMS? These are the list of People that can use bulk SMS:

  1. Business owners
  2. Organization
  3. Private individual
  4. Government agencies
  5. Yourself
  6. Educationial institution like: School, Colleges, etc.

Now, let’s talk about why some bulk SMS doesn’t deliver. Have you wonder why you send a bulk SMS and it doesn’t deliver to the some Recipients’ phone Number? Here are 4 common reasons why your Bulk SMS is not delivered:

  • Low Wallet Balance: When your wallet is low, you can’t send SMS. Fund your wallet.
  • Using wrong signs or symbol: Aviod using symbols like & # $ @ while writing a bulk SMS. Your message won’t delivered. You can abbreviate any words and use any sign.
  • Impersonation of Name on Sender: To curb crime, our BOT will identify if you are using someone else’s business name that are well known. For instance using MTN, Glo, Snapchat, etc as your sender. Always use your sender name or brand name.
  • Invalid Receipt Phone number: Should you use the wrong phone number or input the phone numbers incorrectly, your message will be invalid. Also write the correct phone number and avoid spacing, use only comma to separate each Recipient phone number.
  • DND Numbers: DND means “Do Not Disturb”, all numbers on DND will not receive bulk SMS.

Now that you know everything about bulk SMS register on Jumiabot today and send your bulk message to all your Customers, Friends and Family.

Aside Bulk SMS, you can also buy Data, Airtime and other services on Jumiabot.

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